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Rola Aatif Mahmood

Title: Imaging of ischemic Stroke


Biography: Rola Aatif Mahmood


Stroke is the third leading cause of death and a leading cause of acquired disability.  It is divided into ischemic and haemorrhagic. Ischaemic strokes are devided themselves according to territory affected or the causing mechanism. Knowledge of the pathophysiologic mechanisms of neuronal injury in stroke is essential to target treatment.  The goals of an imaging evaluation for acute stroke are to establish a diagnosis as early as possible and to obtain accurate information about the intracranial vasculature and brain perfusion for guidance in selecting the appropriate therapy.  A comprehensive overview including the current radiological investigations and their implications will be discussed , for example:  CT angiography can depict intravascular thrombi . Diffusion-weighted MR imaging helps in detection of hyperacute ischemia.  Gradient-echo MR sequences is helpful in detecting a hemorrhage.  The status of neck and intracranial vessels can be evaluated with MR angiography, and a mismatch between findings on diffusion and perfusion MR images may be used to predict the presence of a penumbra.